
First, the general requirements

(A) basic principles. Adhere to the central guidance and local leaders; adhere to government leadership, coordination among various departments; adhere to the overall planning, the overall advance; focused and pragmatic; insists the main responsibility for the implementation of the WSO to promote the equalization of basic public health services.
(Two) reinforce the supervision and monitoring of drinking water health foundation. In accordance with the medical and health system and the "second five" general requirements of health development, capacity building, personnel training to speed up and improve the systems and mechanisms, and constantly improve the level of supervision and monitoring drinking water, effective protection of rural drinking water safety, and earnestly safeguard the people public health interests.
(Three) carry out its drinking water health supervision and management responsibilities. Based on "Communicable Disease Prevention Law," "drinking water health supervision and management methods" and "drinking water health standards" and other laws and regulations and standards, the implementation of water supply units and production corporate responsibility, strictly for drinking water supply units and health and safety of drinking water product of health permits management to carry out supervision, monitoring and drinking water pollution accident on human health impact survey.

